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Home | FAQ's | What is the difference between an outpatient, a day case and an inpatient?

What is the difference between an outpatient, a day case and an inpatient?

What is the difference between an outpatient, a day case and an inpatient?

If you are looking for orthopaedic hospital treatment, you will be often seeing these terms:

  • Outpatient – a patient who comes into the hospital for a short appointment – this may be a consultation with your specialist, a test or a scan. You will not need to stay at the hospital overnight.
  • Day-case – a patient who comes in for a more involved procedure than an outpatient. You may need some recovery time at the hospital, but you should be able to go home the same day.
  • Inpatient – a patient who stays in hospital for one or more nights. You may also be asked to come in for some assessment or preparation before you come to stay.

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