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Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Total Hip Replacement Surgery

What is total hip replacement surgery?

Total hip replacement is one of the most successful surgical interventions in medicine. It offers reliable relief of pain and considerable improvement in function in patients suffering from osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis of the hip.

When other conservative treatment forms such as physiotherapy fail to assist your hip pain. Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which a doctor surgically removes a painful hip joint and replaces it with a prosthetic (artificial) ball and socket joint, often made from metal and plastic components.

Graphic showing how a total hip replacement.

Why do people need a total hip replacement?

Pain is the principal indication for hip replacement and is reliably relieved as early as one week after surgery.

The hip joint is the largest, and one of the most important in the body; we rely on this joint for virtually every activity in life. It is a ball-and-socket joint. The bone surfaces of the hip joint are covered with articular cartilage, a smooth tissue that cushions the ends of the bones and enables them to move easily. When significant damage occurs to the hip joint, it may not naturally repair and our quality of life becomes severely affected. Wear and tear – known as hip arthritis – affects just over 10% of the population, and over 3% severely. It can occur in any joint but weight-bearing joints such as your hip are more commonly affected. 

While most hip replacements are performed in patients between 60 and 80 years of age, older or younger age is not a contraindication to surgery. Hip replacement is occasionally performed in patients in their teens and early twenties. In this age group, its most successful indication has been in relieving pain and improving function in patients with debilitating childhood inflammatory arthritis.

Total hip replacements showing the differences between a normal hip joint and one with arthritis.

What are the Symptoms of hip arthritis? 

A combination of pain and stiffness are the principal symptoms and indications of hip replacement surgery.

Everyday tasks such as bending, putting on your shoes and even walking gradually become more difficult. 

Pain from an arthritic hip is classically located in the groin and buttock. Radiation into the thigh may occur and at times pain may present in, or even below the knee. The pain is usually described as a dull ache that is difficult to localise. Activity aggravates the pain while rest relieves it. Increased activity during the day may be followed by pain extending into the evening. Night pain is particularly distressing to patients and an important surgical indication.

How long will my new joint last after hip replacement surgery?

When hip replacement surgeries were first performed in the early 1970s, it was thought that the average artificial joint would last approximately 10 years. We now know that about 85% of hip joint implants will last 20 years. Improvements in surgical technique and artificial joint materials should make these implants last even longer. If the joint does become damaged, surgery to repair it can be successful but is more complicated than the original procedure.

Why Choose London Bridge Orthopaedics?

As a leading London orthopaedic clinic, our expert Consultants Mr Kavarthapu, Mr Malhi and Mr Davidson are some of the best hip replacement surgeons in the country. Our hip replacement specialists will recommend the best surgery for your individual needs. Using the best and latest surgical techniques, you will receive world-class treatment and care. Your consultant will ensure that you are provided with exceptional service, from the initial consultation, right the way through to your postoperative care and rehabilitation. 

To learn more about our Hip Consultants and to book an appointment, please visit our website or call our new patient phone line 020 7692 0675

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